Let’s Compare Bets reviewed online betting clubs recently. One of the betting clubs reviewed was Betting School. We’ve decided to update our Betting School review post because there’s something quite special on offer. That’s right, a special offer! To learn about what the Betting School visit the original Betting School review.
Ok, so what’s so special about this? Betting School have decided to let people get immediate access to the Betting School Insiders Club members area. This includes all the videos, articles and systems. It’s a great opportunity to get loads of information for very little.
Something that Betting School is very good at is training people to use exchange trading software for Betfair. For a short time only this special offer includes a 90 free trial of a betting bot. It’s a great way to get the full features of professional betting software for free. What’s more the software has been programmed to auto bet several betting systems that have previously been very profitable (over the last 3 years). Auto betting on Betfair is some what of a Holy Grail for exchange betting enthusiasts. Auto betting with exchange betting software is only possible if someone has programmed the software themselves, which can be quite difficult as it’s very technical. So to get the full software package for free is great!
To find out more about the betting school visit the Betting School review or go straight to the special offer.